Hosting: Web site with static pages on Amazon S3

In addition to storing static resources allows Amazon S3 hosting complete websites. Ideal for resilient landing pages.

Nowadays much is transfered in the digital cloud, documents, music, pictures. Hosting Web content is no different. This tutorial illustrates how a website pushed with an unlimited number of sub pages (without server-side dynamics) on Amazon S3 and from there is accessible on the web. If required under its own domain, each time performant, reliable and kostenüberschaubar, suitable for each project.

In these paper files to Amazon S3 to host under their own subdomain was outlined in great detail, as applied Buckets and transfer content to your server, and to be properly adjusted and equipped with proper caching information. From this position continues.

1. Define bucket as website

By clicking on the affected bucket in the left column to the right will open the appropriate data structure. The Properties button is hidden in the bottom of the window and more tabs with additional properties of the selected bucket. Relevant here is the tab page with its settings for the operation of a website on Amazon S3.
The Tab website shines not really through a variety of possible options.

The easier and more understandable is to involve the ability to host static websites on Amazon S3. Enable checkbox and enter an index document index.html (differs from the file name, so this has to be adjusted). Save. In the same opinion, Amazon S3 presents the destination address of the current site – under the cryptic URL is the homepage of the project display.

Important to note: Amazon S3 is only static HTML files to the browser. Web sites with dynamic content supposedly (based on PHP, ASP, etc.) are not parsed (since the Interpretor missing) and always issued with the original source code.