Recently, in runet appeared unique service domain4seo, which helps to buy trust domains with domain auctions. And allows you to make the process as comfortable and efficient – this is done at the expense of a few specific and very useful advantages. Domain4seo service handles the expired domain list of the largest registrars: NameJet (registrar + + 10 smaller), TDNAM (, SnapNames (about 5-6 registrars), and more recently, and
You can find a trust thematic domains with the date of registration of 1998, and then buy them for as low as $ 15. All domains are not expired, that is not the end of the registration period, seo options at the time of removal is not reset. The system has a lot of domains with a large number of indexed pages, which will immediately get a good position on the low and mid-range needs.
Particular attention is, of course, in such domains deserve webmasters working in Exchange links Sape, where the positive role played by it indexed pages.
Buying expired domain – a very difficult task. Only at first glance it may seem that there is no difficulty in this – went up for auction, found a favorite domain and bought. But things are much more complicated, and more specifically, in the presence of large amounts of shopping, take a lot of time.
After all, you need to check the settings of a domain that is not glued whether he figures PR, TIC, the presence in the archive, find the registrar, etc.